Wisdom Teeth Removal: The Guide to Extraction and Recovery

wisdom tooth procedure

Wisdom teeth, the final molars, typically appear in your late teens or early 20s. They can sometimes damage oral health and cause discomfort. Dentists recommend removing them before they cause serious dental problems.

Why Do You Need Wisdom Teeth Removal?

You may need wisdom teeth removed if:

  • You have impacted wisdom teeth

  • You have partially erupted wisdom teeth

  • You have crowded wisdom teeth

Your dentist’s examination and X-rays will determine the need for wisdom teeth removal. They will also address your questions about the surgery’s dangers and advantages.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Dentists or oral surgeons frequently perform wisdom teeth removal in clinics or hospitals. The procedure involves numbing the area and administering a sedative to induce relaxation. They cut the gum to expose the tooth and remove any obstructing bone to access the tooth root.

Carefully loosening and extracting the tooth may require breaking it into smaller pieces. Afterward, they clean, stitch, and cover the surgical site with gauze to control bleeding and promote clotting. Depending on the circumstances, tooth removal takes less than an hour.

What to Expect After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After wisdom tooth removal, you will need some time to recover and heal. You may have some common side effects, such as:

  • Bleeding

  • Swelling

  • Pain

  • Infection

Call your dentist or oral surgeon immediately if you have severe or persistent symptoms.

How to Recover from Wisdom Teeth Removal

Recovering from wisdom tooth removal is easier than it sounds. Follow these easy measures to recover quickly:


Taking it easy for the first few days after the surgery would be best. Avoid rigorous activities like exercise, sports, and carrying large things that might elevate your blood pressure and cause bleeding or edema. Do not drive or use machines if you are on sedatives or painkillers.


It would be best to consume soft, healthy meals like soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, pudding, and more. Avoid hard, crunchy, sticky, or spicy foods that can hurt your gums or get stuck in the extraction site. Avoid hot or cold meals and drinks that can cause sensitivity or pain.


Stay hydrated and flush pollutants out by drinking lots of water. However, you should avoid drinking from a straw, as this can create suction and remove the blood clot. Avoid coffee and alcohol, which dehydrate and impede recovery.


Keep your mouth clean and free of bacteria after the surgery. Brush your teeth gently, avoiding the extraction site, and floss carefully. Your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend rinsing with warm salt water or antiseptic mouthwash.


A week following the procedure, see your dentist or oral surgeon. They will check your mouth and remove any stitches if needed. They will also teach you how to keep your teeth healthy.

Wisdom teeth removal can boost your dental health and comfort. Follow these instructions to recover quickly after surgery. Contact your dentist if you have wisdom teeth removal inquiries.

For more on wisdom teeth removal, visit Midtown Dental Center at our office in Atlanta, Georgia. Call (404) 874-0800 to schedule an appointment today.

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